Rowdy Fellow, is a upcoming film in Tollywood, written and directed by Krishna Chaitanya and produced by T. Prakash Reddy under the banner Moviemills. The latest news about the movie is that, it has completed its censor board formalities and received U/A certificate. The movie is slated to release on November 21. According to the sources, the members of censor board who watched the movie, has praised and opined that the movie will definitely be successful hit.
Rowdy Fellow is a family entertainter, it includes love, action and comedy which will be liked by every film goer say the filmmakers. Baanam and Okkadine fame Nara Rohit is playing in the lead opposite Vishakha Singh . The movie has already made news for its theatrical trailer which released recently. The movie includes Nandini Rai, Rao Ramesh, Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao, Posani Krishna Murali, Ajay, Satya and acting in the supporting characters.
Rowdy Fellow is a family entertainter, it includes love, action and comedy which will be liked by every film goer say the filmmakers. Baanam and Okkadine fame Nara Rohit is playing in the lead opposite Vishakha Singh . The movie has already made news for its theatrical trailer which released recently. The movie includes Nandini Rai, Rao Ramesh, Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao, Posani Krishna Murali, Ajay, Satya and acting in the supporting characters.