Most excited Sekhar Kammula said ” Besides his fear of working on a remake movie , he felt so good and releaved after all the editing and post production works are done. He recalls how the discussion went with the besties Yandamuri Veerendranath, Seetharama Satsry and keeravani for the best outcome of the movie. He claimed himself to be very fortunate enough to work with Veerendranath and a destiny to work with Keeravani who takes up the movie to next level with his recordings.
Sekhar kamula has changed the plot of movie to look more relevant for a thriller movie by not showing the actor Nayanatara as a pregnant. As pregnant womens will be treated with much care and are not so vulnerable to add as a point in such a thriller movie. We appreciate his forethought and lets how its going to work.
Yandamuri Veerendranath , Keeravani and Seetharama Sastry have recalled all the memories and the best moments to work in this film.
Kodanda Ramireddy has thanked Sekhar Kammula for giving a very good role to his son Vaibhav and expecting and wished them that the movie would be the biggest hit