In My Opinion - Rahul Gandhi, Chola & China

ThePrint Opinion Mailer

Saturday 3 June 2023

In My Opinion


By Rama Lakshmi, Editor, Opinion & Ground Reports


The most jaw-dropping news this week was a survey finding. The CSDS-Lokniti reported that Rahul Gandhi was becoming more and more acceptable and PM Narendra Modi has suffered a drop. Sanjay Kumar and Suhas Palshikar analysed the data for us. Indians also feel that the country's stature in the world is going up, but unemployment is a bigger problem in their mind today than it was in 2019.

Writing about this sudden meltdown of Modi’s image, Yogendra Yadav said that 2024 is now an open race. The opposition’s strength lies in India’s geography and sociology, though its weakness is history and psychology. While economics presents an opportunity for the opposition, its biggest threat comes from politics.

During the grand inauguration of the new parliament, PM Modi pantomimed before an audience of abject yes-men. It was a fulsome display of the sham that is New India, wrote Kapil Komireddi.

Historian Anirudh Kanisetti asked a tangential, but thought-provoking question in the Sengol matter. Why is there an unprecedented hype and excitement on all things Chola today? It is the idea that the Cholas represent a primordial past that is still preserved in South India. The Cholas are now Hindu nationalist heroes, not just Tamil nationalist heroes, he wrote.

Xi Jinping is building a whole new city to ease the pressure on Beijing, wrote Aadil Brar. This new city of Xiong’an will be used to move out non-government settlements. But it has been dogged by huge delays. The delay in the project shows how China’s growth story is in troubled waters — Xi’s prestige is on the line.

The complete silence and inaction of the government on WFI president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh is inexplicable for most political observers. The government is not embarrassed. So why alienate the middle class? Why pick a gangster over the women of India? Is it really worth the risk, asked Vir Sanghvi. Perhaps, Modi asks himself these questions. If he does, then he will quickly do some damage control on the wrestlers’ issue. It’s time to choose his self-interest over his ego.

The famous, storied institution Gita Press has turned 100. PM Modi is set to visit it to commemorate this heritage. Sagrika Kissu, from Ground Reports team, travelled to Gorakhpur to look at what makes this publisher such a formidable cultural powerhouse. It had made Hinduism affordable, relatable and potable, long before Modi did.


Rahul Gandhi’s acceptability as PM nearly doubled since 2014. More than half are non-Congress

There’s an increase in proportion of people willing to vote for Congress ‘if elections were held tomorrow’. But this appears to be coming at the cost of ‘other’ parties, not BJP. Read more...

By Suhas Palshikar

By Sandeep Shastri

By Sanjay Kumar

By Vibha Attri


Most Indians think Modi govt has made India Vishwaguru but worsened economics at home

The public mood is jointly shaped by the economy and media narrative. Which of these two dominates may decide the way the public swings in the near future. Read more...

By Suhas Palshikar

By Sandeep Shastri

By Sanjay Kumar

By Vibha Attri


2024 is an open race. But the question is what can change the game before election

Basic equation for 2024 isn't hard to spell out. BJP’s SWOT analysis is all around Modi. And while economics presents an opportunity for opposition, politics is its biggest threat. Read more...

By Yogendra Yadav


Modi’s Parliament inaugural was an elaborate mimicry. It displayed the sham that is New India

The first republic’s founders were dedicated to building institutions. The second republic’s custodians are devoted to entrenching a cult of personality. Read more...

By Kapil Komireddi

Go beyond Sengol. Why there’s such hype about Chola dynasty in India today

The Cholas are now Hindu nationalist heroes. And the BJP is keen to link itself with this image. But The resurgence of the Cholas in political memory is strange. Read more...

By Anirudh Kanisetti


China building a new city to ease Beijing. 6 years on, Xiong’an still a construction site

Launched in 2017 as Xi’s pet urban project, Xiong’an has faced delays and limited progress despite the talk of turning the area into the next Shenzhen or Shanghai. Read more...

By Aadil Brar


Questions for Modi—why alienate middle class, why pick gangster over women, is it worth it?

It’s been almost a month and while PM Modi has toured the world and ceremonially embraced the Sengol, he has acted as though the women wrestlers protesting at Jantar Mantar do not exist. Read more...

By Vir Sanghvi


Gita Press at 100—the cultural powerhouse made Hinduism relatable, affordable, portable

Gita Press has found the most formidable patron in PM Narendra Modi, who is scheduled to visit Gorakhpur next week. The Hindi publishing house's moment in the national story has never been more aligned. Read more...

By Sagrika Kissu

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