The diamond magnate Mehul Choksi who owes a staggering Rs 7,848 crore to banks in India has been removed from an Interpol watchlist. His claim of having been kidnapped in an R&AW plot is extraordinary. Praveen Swami wrote that it shines the light into a strange world of modern pirate citadels no nation-state seems willing to breach. Putin and Xi’s meeting in Moscow lasted 4.5 hours. Aadil Brar wrote that Xi is pivoting China as the driving force of ‘major country diplomacy’ in which Russia is a weak partner scrambling to latch on to the fading ‘no-limits partnership’. The Amritpal Singh chase is an alarming replay of an earlier era in Punjab. Seshadri Chari called the Modi government to read the riot act to AAP in Punjab for endangering national security. The so-called Khalistan movement needs to be nipped in the bud before it assumes monstrous proportions. India has so far shared its successful Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-Mobile (JAM) trinity model with Africa and South East Asia. George Skaria wrote that Australia is studying how relevant it will be to the country. India can even leapfrog the West in creating one of the world's best digital infrastructures. To tackle the challenges of the 21st Century, madrasa education is not enough for Muslim youth, wrote Amana Begum. So, don’t rush to oppose Himanta Sarma’s actions in Assam. Muslim intellectuals who defend madrasas never send their own children there. This week, Anirudh Kanisetti told us the story of an Oriya queen called Sundara-Mahadevi who played important medieval geo-political intrigue in Sri Lanka. An exclusive investigation by Shubhangi Mishra from ThePrint’s Features team brought us this sordid tale of repeated sexual harassment of students by a teacher, a hurried probe, a cover-up and a gag order at Chennai’s cherished dance academy, Kalakshetra. A day after we published this article, the National Commission of Women took cognizance of the issue and directed Tamil Nadu police to take action. |