Cut The Clutter with Shekhar Gupta

ThePrint Cut The Clutter

The big news developments of the week explained, analysed and dissected for you on video by Shekhar Gupta, Editor-in-Chief of ThePrint and one of India’s most trusted names in the news business.


How did ‘threat’ to Bihari migrants rise in Tamil Nadu, why it faded away fast.Politics & propaganda

How did the ‘threat’ to Bihari migrants rise in Tamil Nadu & why it faded away so rapidly? Watch ThePrint Editor-In-Chief Shekhar Gupta explain the role of disinformation, social media, how propaganda as well as politics took centre stage, and action by the authorities. Episode 1,188 of 'Cut The Clutter'.

US Intelligence Community Threat Assessment focuses on China, signals start of new Cold War

Looming threat of China, Cold War in today's day and age, cybersecurity threat & a significant new view on India-Pak –– US Intelligence's Annual Threat Assessment is out. Shekhar Gupta analyses the intricacies of the report. Watch episode 1,187 of 'Cut the Clutter'.

Raghuram Rajan’s ‘Hindu Rate of Growth’ warning & what 60-year data tells us on growth-politics link

After former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan warned India is ‘dangerously close’ to the Hindu rate of growth, ThePrint Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta explores patterns within economic data over 6 decades to discover a growth-politics link. In episode 1186 of ‘Cut the Clutter’.

Russia FM Lavrov disses G20, Indo-Pacific Quad, AUKUS at Raisina as US caught in groupthink on China

After Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticised G20 for “obsessing over” the Russia-Ukraine war while remaining silent during the wars in Iraq, Yugoslavia & Afghanistan, ThePrint Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta explores how his responses reflect the shifting dynamics between India, China and Russia, and also discusses US groupthink on China. Episode 1185 of ‘Cut the Clutter’.

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