Superstar Mahesh Babu's third collaboration with director Trivikram Srinivas recently had a grand launch. But the down side news is, the film will take considerable time to hit the sets. This gap has given space to a lot of speculations surrounding the movie and one more such gossip hit the social media and this gained huge significance.
The rumour is, Tamil star hero Chiyaan Vikram is reportedly approached for #SSMB28. This rumour added more fire that Vikram might play a negative and Trivikram wants to make the film in pan India level.
It's all over the social media on Wednesday and both Mahesh and Vikram fans were excited about the rumour even though there is no confirmation. Late in the evening, there arrived a clarity and that settled the rumour.
Manager of hero Vikram took to his Twitter handle and added that the 'Mahaan' hero is not featuring in #SSMB28. "Dear friends, #ChiyaanVikram is not part of any project with @urstrulyMahesh. Rumours circulating regarding this are baseless. I request media houses to pls clarify with us before publishing such news. Regards," tweeted Suryanarayanan.
This tweet disappointed the fans and rumours shut in no time.