It’s known that the well-known actor and producer of big-ticket movies, Bandla Ganesh, is getting introduced as a male protagonist. Directed by debutant Venkat Chandra, the film is presented by Rishi Agastya of Yash Rishi Films and produced by Swathi Chandra. The shoot is on at a fast pace.
Speaking on the occasion, the makers said, “This is a remake of the Tamil movie ‘Oththa Seruppu Size 7’, which was headlined and directed by R Parthipen. Bandla Ganesh garu is reprising Parthipen in the movie. He has undergone a makeover for the hero’s role. His look and acting will surprise everyone. We are planning to complete the shoot in a single, non-stop schedule.”
The film has Art Direction by Ghandi. Arun Devineni is its cinematographer. Dialogues are by Marudhuri Raja. Music is by Linus Madiri. PRO: Naidu Surendra Kumar-Phani Kandukuri. Directed by Venkat Chandra, it is produced by Swathi Chandra.
A crime thriller, ‘Oththa Seruppu Size 7’ is currently being remade in Hindi with Abhishek Bachchan as the hero. It’s currently being shot in Chennai.
from New Movie Posters