Reputed South India Actor and Producer Vishal launched a one-of-its-kind virtual art show – TRANCE – on Sunday. It is a collection of mixed media artworks on canvas and card of various sizes by Actor and Artist Maya Nelluri. TRANCE was launched on Stargaze, India’s first AI-based Video Platform to interact with Celebrities.
The paintings showcased in this immersive curated walk-through are primarily inspired by – and are – reflections of Lord Shiva. The overarching theme of this series is contemporary – abstract based in spirituality. Maya Nelluri, is heavily influenced by mythological imagery based in her Indian heritage as well as the use of modern painting techniques and colour schemes prevalent during her upbringing in Australasia. Temple bells, tripundra, lotus flowers, bel leaves, and the Sanskrit mantra Har Har Mahadev on the paintings radiate peace, love, hope and oneness with the universe. Every stroke within the painting is designed to lead the viewer into a cosmic utopia – allowing them to exist in a peaceful TRANCE.
Speaking about the art show the talented and famous Actor and Producer Vishal said,” Virtual shows are the future of art shows. TRANCE is one-of-its-kind and is going to have a much wider reach. People all around the world will get to see the work. Exhibitions are great since we get to see different artist’s paintings but this is a great way to reach out to far more people. It looks like it’s going to be the ‘in’ thing for the future.”
Expressing her excitement Maya Nelluri said, “I’m absolutely excited that a creative genius like Vishal sir launched this show. I can’t wait for everyone to see all the paintings I’ve poured my heart into. And I’m very grateful to the team at Stargaze, Octospaces, and of course Rahul Reddy who made this happen.”
A few special artworks from the collection will be given-away to art enthusiasts who participate in the upcoming interactions associated with the art show.
Link for the walkthrough of the artshow :
About Maya Nelluri:
Actor, Artist, and Writer, Maya has always been a creative soul. She debuted onto the public art scene approximately six years ago. Since then she’s had multiple solo and group shows in India and Australia. She has also illustrated for a mobile app called Mytha and does commissioned works, including portraits and digital artwork, on request. Growing up in New Zealand and Australia also greatly influenced her work, giving the pieces a uniquely distinctive characteristic.
Follow Maya on Instagram, Twitter, and FB via @mayanelluri
About Stargaze:
Stargaze is India’s first digital Face-to-Face communication platform that brings Stars closer to their fans. Through an interactive AI mobile app, it provides selected users an opportunity to have direct one-on-one conversations with their favourite celebrities from cinema, telly and sports.
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