It’s a pleasure to inform you all that Filmmaker Venkatesh Kumar G from Tamilnadu has been invited by the Leo Tolstoy Estate Museum at Yasnaya Polyana, Tula, Russia to participate in their 100th Anniversary Celebrations as a Guest Speaker. He earlier visited the House of Leo Tolstoy in 2019 and gifted the Tamil book “Kadhaimanikkovai” Stories from Tolstoy written by… Continue reading "Filmmaker Venkatesh Kumar G has been invited by the Leo Tolstoy Estate Museum, Russia to participate in their 100th Anniversary Celebrations as a Guest Speaker which is happening on June 10th 2021."
The post Filmmaker Venkatesh Kumar G has been invited by the Leo Tolstoy Estate Museum, Russia to participate in their 100th Anniversary Celebrations as a Guest Speaker which is happening on June 10th 2021. appeared first on Tamil Nadu News, Chennai News, Tamil Cinema News, Tamil News, Tamil Movie News, Power Shutdown in Chennai, Petrol and Diesel Rate in Chennai.