Actor Vijay Antony as Vijaya Raghavan in Kodiyil Oruvan Movie First Look Poster. Directed by Ananda Krishnan, Music by Nivas K Prasanna, Produced by T.D.Rajha, D.R.Sanjay Kumar under Chendur Film International & Infiniti Film Ventures.
The first look has Vijay Antony sitting on a towering structure with his legs crossed. The versatile actor is looking quite intense and stylish in it. Currently in the filming stage, ‘Vijaya Raghavan’ is scheduled to hit the screens for Summer 2021.
Music: Nivas K Prasanna
Cinematography: NS Uday Kumar
Editing: Leo John Paul
Co-producers: Kamal Bora, Lalitha Dhananjayan, B Pradeep, Pankaj Bora, S Vikram Kumar
Producers: TD Rajha, DR Sanjay Kumar
Written and directed by: Anand Krishnan
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