Director Sreenu Vaitla and his proficient team are busy wrapping the final song shoot of Aagadu in exotic locales of Switzerland at the moment. As the day gets near to the dawn, golden rays of Sun have surely made Prince Mahesh and tantalizing Tamanna shine brighter and hotter. In these leaked pictures, which are probably clicked by some crew members on the spot, puts Tammu's oomph on display. Like an Ajanta statue, she is like a pearl on that green bed, engrossing beams of lusty looks from around.
Director Sreenu Vaitla and his proficient team are busy wrapping the final song shoot of Aagadu in exotic locales of Switzerland at the moment. As the day gets near to the dawn, golden rays of Sun have surely made Prince Mahesh and tantalizing Tamanna shine brighter and hotter. In these leaked pictures, which are probably clicked by some crew members on the spot, puts Tammu's oomph on display. Like an Ajanta statue, she is like a pearl on that green bed, engrossing beams of lusty looks from around.