King Nagarjuna and Young Tiger NTR's multi-starrer project is creating much curiosity among the movie buffs. Good news for the fans of both the heroes is that the movie will start rolling from September onwards, as per the inside sources. Vamsi Pydipally, who is riding high on the super hit result of 'Yevadu', will be directing this movie. Both NTR and Nagarjuna are likely to be seen as brothers in this mass and action entertainer. The movie will be made on PVP banner.
NTR is busy completing the shoot of his upcoming release 'Rabhasa', which is scheduled for release on August 14. Samantha and Pranitha are romancing with him. On the other side, Nagarjuna is at cloud nine with the blockbuster result of his latest venture 'Manam'.
NTR is busy completing the shoot of his upcoming release 'Rabhasa', which is scheduled for release on August 14. Samantha and Pranitha are romancing with him. On the other side, Nagarjuna is at cloud nine with the blockbuster result of his latest venture 'Manam'.